March 09, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Hero lectro essentia E-bicycle review

Hero lectro essentia E-bicycle review

In the present review, we are going to let you know about the customer experience of  Hero lectro Essentia electric bicycle. Our team was approached by a customer who has been using a lectro essentia for more than a year. Surprisingly, he is also the owner of a 150 cc Hero motorcycle before his focus is shifted to an electric bicycle. So, let us know more about our customer experience in this Hero lectro essentia E-bicycle review.

About Hero Lectro Essentia

Lectro Essentia is probably the most affordable electric cycle from India’s leading electric cycle manufacturer Hero Lectro e-cycles. They offer various electric bicycle configurations according to customer requirements and price expectations. Hero lectro describes this Essentia electric bicycle as a perfect combination of power and comfort. The electric bicycle has an alloy frame with internal battery storage space. It has a front Disc brake and a V brake at the back. Essentia is a single-speed electric bicycle which means there is no derailleur setup at the rear.

Technical overview

Lectro Essentia has a 250W hub motor in the rear wheel which can offer a top speed of 25 kmph. It has 4 different modes which are pedal, cruise,pedalec and throttle in which the pedalec assist mode can offer up to 30 km range. Lectro Essentia comes with an LED display that indicates the necessary parameters of the bicycle while riding. The bicycle has a fixed 36 V Lithium-ion battery pack which can offer a range of up to 25km. To recharge this battery pack it takes up to 4 hours with the given 36 V 2A charger.

Customer Review

Our customer has been looking for an affordable and healthy alternative for his daily 10 km commute. So, he selected hero Lectro Essentia Bicycle as his daily ride. He also added a few after-market accessories like rear carriers, mudguards, lighting equipment, etc. Overall, he is satisfied with the purchase except for an issue with the rear brake which requires constant position setting. He also suggests others to go for a little expensive hero electric bicycle instead of purchasing the required accessories separately.

For more relevant information on Lectro Essentia, please watch our video below in English and Telugu

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About The Author

Electric vehicle enthusiast constantly in the pursuit of interesting content related to EV innovations, startups, market research and policies. I am a mechanical engineer with cross-functional work experience in EV sector.

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