March 08, 2025

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What you need to know everything about electric vehicles 

know about electric vehicles 

What you need to know about electric vehicles 

Electric vehicles are famous for their unique features eco-friendly, high speed and no noise is attracting the customers globally. Its unique features make electric vehicles different from other gasoline Vehicles as it creates very less amount of air and noise pollution. in this article let us know about electric vehicles 

So let me quickly recap how the electric vehicle works, how it is different from other vehicles, what are its four main components and advantages and disadvantages of different types of EVs.

How EV differs from the other vehicles

  • The gasoline engine is replaced by an electric motor.
  • The controller is the power source for the electric motor and
  • The controller gets its power from an array of rechargeable batteries.

The main four components which run EV

The electric vehicles run on four main components such as batteries, controller, motor and charge.


The electric energy is used to fill up Lithium-ion batteries which are used in the car. They are similar to our laptop or smartphone but the size will be big which stores electrical energy. This is placed at the bottom of the car as they are heavy and reduces the centre of gravity making it easier to drive.


It intelligently turns the electricity on and off around 15,000 times per second, depending on the throttle position. In simple words, it regulates how much the electricity should pass.

Motor and Regeneration

The motor is used to convert electric energy into kinetic energy and in most cars the regeneration which can be called as “regenerative braking”, which recovers the energy and puts it back into the battery which you usually waste to slow down the vehicle. Recharges your batteries when you are not on the gas.

Advantages & disadvantages of diff types of EVs motors


Electric cars need to be recharged as any other vehicles need to be filled up by fuels. For charging you need to find for apps such as Ecotricity or Zap-Map to find your nearest stations or you can do it at your home.

Electric Vehicle Charger types & their advantages & disadvantages

Types of Electric Vehicles

Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs)

The energy is powered by both petrol and electricity. HEVs start off using the electric motor, then the petrol engine cuts in as load or speed rises.

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

These are also called as Extended-Range Electric Vehicles (EREVs) which is powered by both petrol and electricity. Batteries can be recharged by both regenerative braking and ‘plugging-in’ to an external electrical charging outlet.

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)

BEVs are completely electric vehicles; they do not have a petrol engine, fuel tank or exhaust pipe. Batteries are charged through an external charging outlet. BEVs can also recharge their batteries through regenerative braking.

Differences between Electric vehicles & ICE vehicles

It is a long-time solution to save the environment and as well as human health. However, the combustion engines are ruling the roads for decades now. But by the name (combustion) itself we can understand it burns, it burns many harmful gases such as CO2 which pollutes the air badly. We can adopt electric vehicles as much as possible to reduce pollution levels in the world.

The differences in EV and ICE in its parts, speed, lightweight, maintenance, driving techniques, different look, fuel tanks, different fuels, quite and smoother ride fuel costs, rebates and incentives you can read in detail in this article

Electric vehicles at tourist places

Electric vehicles have become so popular and we are seeing them moving in private and public places such as in government offices, tourist places, college and university campuses, zoo parks, etc.

Electric Vehicles at Nandi Hills

Rise of the EV Industry

The government is making appreciable efforts and striving hard for the rise of the EV industry in India.
the government reduced the GST on electric vehicles and on charging equipment or stations along with the tax deduction on the interests paid on loans.

The main aim of the government is to achieve 7 million sales of electric and hybrid vehicles by the year 2020. This enables India to come out of the need for national fuel and can maintain Eco-friendly transportation. Thereby we can also control the pollution levels.

EV charging stations and maintenance facilities have to be set up on a wider scale. Besides these, laws should be made to make the installation of charging points in every home mandatory.

Other factors that influence the growth of the EV industry

  • Most of the components such as battery cells, motors, and controllers are importing from China. The domestic manufacturers are struggling to build a strong and competitive local manufacturing base as the battery costs almost half that of vehicle.
  • It is the peak time that India should encourage swadeshi auto component manufacturing companies by providing them with financial support in certain ways.
  • The youth should also get motivated to choose a career in the EV field.
  • University and institutions should offer regular long-term and short-term courses in EV technology.

Electric vehicles charging stations

As electric vehicles are growing rapidly everywhere there is a need for sufficient charging infrastructure to power up the millions EVs in the coming next years, but this can happen only when there will be sufficient charging stations or swapping charging stations available to the people.

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), there were 50 lakh electric passenger cars in operations with 52 lakh charging points worldwide as of 2018. However, if the proper and adequate charging facility is provided to the people we can expect the success of the EV industry.

80 per cent of electric vehicles are charged at homes and offices it consumes a lot of time normally 8 hours. The public charging stations will come to the rescue for the people who fear to pay their electricity bill. They think charging an EV will cost them more.

last year there were around 4,000 EVs charging stations in India and Germany had over 65,000 charging stations still Steffen Knapp, Director, Volkswagen Passenger Cars says that Germany is not ready for EVs. By this, we can understand that India needs a lot of EVs charging stations.

So, to improve this the EV charging infrastructure market categorized in 3 segments

EV industry job creation

No doubt that this electric vehicle technology is a huge opportunity for the creation of jobs. Employment can be created through e-auto, to e-cab drivers, to charging station operators and to EV service mechanics. There are many such fields in the EV industry that encourages employment opportunities such as battery recycling process, design and testing, battery manufacturing and management, sales, services, and charging infrastructure.

The government’s National Electric Mobility Mission Plan launched in 2013 aims to set up 7 million electric vehicles on Indian road’ by 2020.

The govt’s target to achieve 30% e-mobility by 2030. The estimation from the Automotive Mission Plan 2026 is to create an additional 65 million jobs in the auto sector.

Lithium-ion battery technology & recycling market, potential & opportunity in India

Electric Vehicles Needs, Reasons & Challenges in India

we can see there is rapid development in the EVs industry in India. The demand has been reached almost 8 times more since 1980 (which is much in any Asian economy according to the data world bank cited by NITI Aayog.

Electric Vehicles Needs, Reasons & Challenges in India

Electric vehicles manufacturers in India 

To develop the adoption of electric vehicles the government and many companies such as List of 100 Electric vehicle Manufacturers in India from Electric Two-Wheelers, Electric Three-Wheelers, Boats, E-Tractors and Four-Wheelers manufacturers in India who are making efforts to promote the growth of electric vehicles in India.

There are a lot of opportunities ahead for the future to be bright with the adoption of electric vehicles. The Indian government is also huge support for EVs, its bringing in many initiatives and through FAME II scheme it is providing subsidies to promote and encourage the use of electric vehicles.

8 reasons for the slow growth of EVs 

But still, the growth of electric vehicles is still slow due to some reasons, if these Top 8 reasons for the slow growth of EVs will be addressed and improved surely the electric vehicles will be revolutionised in the world. 

12 things you need to know before buying an Electric Vehicle

After reading all this if you decided to buy an electric vehicle you need to know these things 12 things you need to know before buying an Electric Vehicle. These things will help you to understand how electric vehicles can help you and the environment. 


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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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