March 09, 2025

  • Daily Motion

World’s first commercial electric plane takes flight

World's first commercial electric plane

World’s first commercial electric plane takes flight

The world’s first fully-electric commercial aircraft took its inaugural test flight, taking off from the Canadian city of Vancouver. Hoping the airlines one day end their pollution emissions. Meet the World’s first commercial electric plane. 

The Vancouver based Harbour Air seaplanes and U.S electric engine maker magniX said that this flight is the world’s first by an all-electric commercial aircraft.“This proves that commercial aviation in all-electric form can work.”

World's first commercial electric plane

In partnership with Harbour Air, the company designed the plane’s motor. Harbour Air ferries half a million passengers every year between Vancouver, Whistler ski resort and nearby islands and coastal communities.

The Roei Ganzarski, chief executive of Seattle-based engineering firm magniX said that this technology will significantly save the cost for airlines as well as zero emissions.“This signifies the start of the electric aviation age,” he added.

World’s first commercial electric plane

Civil aviation is one of the fastest-growing sources of carbon emissions as people are taking skies for commutes. According to the European Environment Agency, airline industry emissions far exceed from all the other modes of transport, 285 grams of CO2 emission per kilometre (mile) travelled by each passenger. This emission leads to global warming and climate change which will result in dangerous droughts, superstorms and sea-level rise.

Founder and chief executive of Harbour Air

The electric plane or e-plane, 62 years old 6 passenger DHC-2 de Havilland Beaver seaplane is retrofitted with an electric motor and is piloted by Greg McDougall, founder and chief executive of Harbour Air.

“For me, that flight was just like flying a Beaver, but it was a Beaver on electric steroids. I actually had to back off on the power,” he said.

World's first commercial electric plane

He took the plane on a short loop along the Fraser River near Vancouver International Airport in front of around 100 onlookers. McDougall’s aim is to electrify the entire fleet and he said there is no reason not to do.

Electrifying the entire fleet ( more than 40 seaplanes) may take two more years which will save millions in terms of maintenance costs.

However this e-planes have to tested further to confirm its reliability and safety. The approvals and certifications by regulators are also there to be done.

Transport Minister Marc Garneau

The transport minister Marc Garneau said that he had his “fingers crossed that the electric plane will work,” ahead of the maiden flight. If everything goes well “it could set a trend for more environmentally friendly fly,” he added.

160 km range 

This e-plane gives a range of 160 kilometres ( 100 miles) and uses a lithium-ion battery. Ganzarski said this range is not sufficient but its enough to start the revolution.

If this positivity and inspiration is followed in every transport segment than the world will become a home for electric vehicles.

World's first commercial electric plane

If the planes and fleets transformed to electric then there will be a massive electric revolution which will not only saves millions on fuels but also helps in keeping the air clean by zero emissions.

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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