Why Electric vehicles
The global pandemic COVID19 has forced people to think more about nature, health and environment protection and energy conservations. The concern is been increasing day by day as the world is facing every other issue. Electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles growth is increasing as people are slowly knowing the value of nature and environment and trying to improve their deeds as much as possible. The use or adoption of Electric vehicles
can be one of the steps in contributing to a greener environment.
By this time, almost everyone came to know at least what are Electric vehicles and it runs on batteries. Today BEV, HEV and FCEV are in different stages of development, facing different challenges and require different strategies.
BEV (battery electric vehicles) is having a battery issue and is suitable for small EV for short-range low-speed community transportation. HEV (hybrid electric vehicles) can meet consumers’ meet but the cost is the major issue.
FCEV (fuel cell electric vehicles) has long term potential for future mainstream vehicles, however, the technology is still in the early development stage, its cost and refuelling system are the major concerns.
This was a short description of types of electric vehicles and their concerns for the slow growth or unavailability. Let us now talk about what you have opened this article for.
Why Electric vehicles are important?
In the next 50 years, the global population will increase from 6 billion to 10 billions and the number of vehicles will increase from 700 million to 2.5 billions. If all these vehicles will run on oil from where we will get that much amount of oil, this is the major concern for the electric vehicles to come into action rather than in just plans or papers.
The other main concern for the usage of the ICE vehicles is the where should the emissions be disseminated? As the world is facing something or the other major health issues, the environmental protection and energy conservation concerns too are growing.
In that regard, the development of electric vehicle technology has taken on an accelerated pace to fulfil these needs. Electric vehicles have the capacity to provide emission-free urban transportation. However, the ICE vehicles are not, the only polluters but still, the usage of electric vehicles can at least reduce the vehicular pollution from the country.
Major issues for the adoption of electric vehicles
The major issue for the adoption of Electric vehicles is affordability. The major factors that make EV affordable are the range and cost. The main reason for electric vehicles to be costly is their batteries. One-third pf the cost of electric vehicles is for the battery alone. To deal with this issue the development of advanced batteries such as the nickel-metal hydride, zinc/air and lithium-ion are in progress.
However both specific energy and energy density of batteries are much lower than that of gasoline, the development of fuel cells for EVs has been increased in recent years. Meanwhile, the development of commercial hybrid Electric vehicles is also going on rapidly. These vehicles improve the range but cost more as it has an additional energy source, engine and other accessories.
To solve the cost issues, the efforts are being made to improve various EV subsystems, such as electric motors, power converters, electronic controllers, energy management units, battery chargers, batteries and other EV auxiliaries.
According to a survey made in a paper published on various topics leading EV related international conferences from 1984 to 2000 in C.C Chan. With regard to the development trend of various energy sources, including lead-acid batteries (LA), nickel-based batteries (NB), lithium-based batteries (LB), fuel cells (FC) and capacitors/flywheels (CF), the number of papers published in LB, FC and CF is becoming more and more attractive, though LA and NB are still undergone continual improvement.
EVs, HEVs & FCEVs markets
With regard to the configurations of EVs, it was observed that the conversion EV is becoming less attractive than the purpose-built EV while the HEV is of growing interests for the coming EV markets. It was also observed that EVs are on the verge of commercialization,
But in the next few decades, it is anticipated that both EVs and HEVs will be commercialized, and they will have their market shares. EVs will be well accepted by some niche markets such as users for community transportation, the places where electricity is cheap and ease of access, and the places with a zero-emission are compulsory.
The HEVs will have a niche market for those users desiring long driving ranges. The ultimate penetration of EVs and HEVs will mainly depend on their respective costs. Particularly, the research and development of FCEVs will be accelerated in the next two decades, since they have the good potential to deliver the same range and performance as our ICEVs.
What you need to know about Fuel cell electric vehicles
The electric propulsion and energy sources will still be the key technologies to be addressed, EVs and HEVs will still be coexistent, while energy, environment and the economy will still be the key issues for EV commercialization. With this article, hopefully, we got a clear answer to our question Why Electric vehicles?
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