Charging stations tariff in Delhi fixed LT Rs 4.5 & HT Rs 4 per kW
To push the use of Electric vehicles the Delhi Electricity Regularity Commission (DERC) has lowered the rates for charging e-rickshaws and other electric vehicles.
Charging stations tariff in Delhi
The charges for low-tension e-vehicles users ( charging at home) will cost Rs.4.5 per kW instead of Rs 5.5 while the high tension users such as public charging stations have to pay Rs 4 instead of Rs 5 per kW.
The charges have been lowered for high tension e-vehicles because there are more chances of losses incurred, the main motto behind the tariff is to motivate people to switch to electric vehicles said a DERC official.
EV can save over 8 tonnes of CO2 annually
The draft electric vehicles policy was introduced on November 27, 2018, for the adoption of EVs of 25% by 2023. Through this policy, the Delhi government is providing incentives to EVs as an EV can save over 8 tonnes of CO2 annually.
Charging stations tariff in other places
Whereas, if we see last year, the Telangana tariff for charging electric vehicles from charging stations is fixed for Rs 6, which is more when compared to the tariff in Delhi.
In Nagpur, the State Discom MSEDCL has proposed to supply power to electric vehicle charging stations at Rs 6 per unit, same for both high tension (HT) and low tension (LT).
The tariff for electric vehicle charging in Uttarpradesh, the UPERC has approved tariffs recently in February, the low tensions need to pay Rs 7.70 per kWh and for High tensions Rs 7.30 per kWh.
In Madhyapradesh, the revised tariff According to the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission, (MPPMCL), the tariff is fixed Rs 4 per unit.
In Chandigarh, the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (JREC), the tariff has been set for the first time is fixed to Rs 4 per unit.
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