March 12, 2025

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8 Reasons to buy an EV in India in 2020

8 Reasons to buy an EV

8 Reasons to buy an EV in India in 2020

Electric Vehicles is not just a technology, it is the future that we all need to accept as the 2020 Pollution Index by City report the 7 cities in the top 20 list are from India. So, today we will see what are the 8 Reasons to buy an EV.

Already Delhi government is using Odd and Even scheme to reduce pollution levels in the country, in addition to that the Delhi government launched an EV Policy in 2019 and providing ₹10,000  incentive on Two Wheeler, ₹30,000  incentive on a three-wheeler and
1,50,000 incentive on three-wheeler.
Not only the Delhi government has been taken an initiative, but the Indian government is also seriously working on EV technology to control the pollution levels in India as well as to reduce crude oil imports from other countries to save crores of rupees. The State governments like Kerala and Tamil Nadu also announced its EV policies.
So, let us now see the 8 reasons why people in India should buy an electric vehicle and what are its benefits. 

8 Reasons to buy an EV

Low Maintenance

Electric Vehicles usually have very low maintenance or zero maintenance as electric scooters and electric cars don’t have a fuel tank inside to change the engine oil. The electric vehicles have an electric motor and a battery pack with less moving components so the maintenance is 1 /3 rd of a gasoline vehicle.

No license & Registration for Low-Speed EVs

There is no need for license and registration for low-speed electric scooters. Yulu bikes are the best example of commercial success. The Yulu bikes can be ridden by anyone as it a low-speed electric vehicle with 25 kmph of speed and it does have a motor capacity of 250 watts and it doesn’t require license, insurance or registration, you can easily and freely ride them on roads.

Electric vehicles are Silent

The electric vehicles are silent, they don’t produce any kind of noise like ice engine vehicles.
You will not hear any kind of noise from the vehicle unless you accelerate them. So, we also have a benefit of reducing sound pollution as well by using an electric vehicle. 

Charge at Comfort

Electric Vehicles can be charged at home easily, you need not visit a charging station
in particular. Even though there are charging stations available in localities people have the flexibility to charge their electric cars, electric three-wheelers and electric scooters at home. Usually charging an electric two-wheeler at home saves more money than charging at a charging station.

Low Running Cost.

The running cost of an electric vehicle is very less when compared with an ICE engine vehicle. For example, the Tata Tigor Petrol and Tata Tigor Electric car.
For the Tata Tigor EV, full charge Price is 150 rupees for its 21.5 kWh battery pack at a charging station and it gives 213 km range. For Tata Tigor petrol car 12 litres petrol gives 216 km mileage, Whereas the petrol cost is 74 rupees per litre for 216km mileage, so 888 rupees need to be spent. We are getting almost 650 rupees difference using an electric car. The Cost per km is 4 Rupees /km for Tigor petrol car whereas 70 Paise/km for Tigor electric car.

In the same way, a petrol scooter average mileage is 50km and electric scooter range is 50 km. But for 1-litre petrol cost is – 74 rupees and 1kWh battery charging cost is 2 to 3 rupees for charging at home. Cost per km is 1.48 rupees for petrol scooter and cost per km is 6 paise/km for an electric scooter.


Electric Vehicles are environmentally friendly to nature. Unlike fuel vehicles, electric vehicles release 0% emissions into the atmosphere helping the air to be clean and Green resulting in maintaining the temperature levels under control.

Easy to Drive

Yes, the electric vehicles are easy to drive, almost all the electric two-wheelers are gearless,
so both female and male can use electric vehicles. Even in electric cars, there will be no clutch and gear stick, electric cars have only buttons to operate from one mode to another mode to increase or decrease the speed. It is easy for the driver to drive an electric car.
Not only electric cars, but electric buses can also be operated easily, which reduces the pressure on the drivers and even the electric three-wheelers can be easily operated.

Incentives from the government 

As part of the government’s NEMMT(National Electric Mobility Mission Plan), Indian
Government is providing incentives under the FAME II scheme for electric vehicles Buyers.
For an electric two-wheeler, 10,000 rupees for every 1kWh battery pack is given and if the battery pack is 3kWh the maximum subsidy is 30,000 rupees.
In the same way, the electric cars also get the incentive, for example the Tata Tigor EV’s battery pack is 21.5kWh, it gets 2 lakh 15 thousand rupees of incentives. Likewise, electric three-wheelers and electric Buses also gets the incentive.
In addition to that Tax Deduction on purchase of EVs, People who buy electric vehicles can get an additional income tax deduction of Rs 1.5 lakh on the interest paid on loans taken to buy EVs.
This is not the end, the Indian government is taking many more steps in the future to promote electric vehicles such as it is providing 50% concession of toll chargers for EVs
and many more benefits to come. 

Hence, using an electric vehicle is having a lot of advantages, you can save your money and most importantly you are making our Mother Earth Pollution-free. So we recommend you to start using an electric vehicle and breath fresh. 

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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  1. akash pawar

    We are students of the Department of Statistics, University of Mumbai. As part of our curriculum, we are conducting a survey for our academic project CHARGE
    THE FUTURE where we are studying the cost distribution of Electric Vehicles.
    All the data collected through this survey will be confidential and will be used for project purposes only.

    Thank you!

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