1,590 EVs deployment in more than 160 Central & State Govt Departments in 49 cities
As per information received from Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), under the Ministry of Power, Government of India, through Convergence Energy Services Limited (CESL-100% Owned Subsidiary of EESL) is implementing an e-Mobility Programme with the objective to reduce dependence on oil imports & to provide an impetus for domestic electric vehicle manufacturers, charging infrastructure companies, fleet operators, service providers, etc. to gain efficiencies of scale and drive down costs, create local manufacturing facilities, grow technical competencies for the long-term growth of the electric vehicle (EV) industry in India and to enable Indian EV manufacturers to emerge as major global players. Read further to know more about EVs deployment in various cities.
EVs deployment
Under this programme, EESL/CESL concluded the procurement of various categories of electric cars through an international competitive bidding process. To date, EESL/CESL has deployed/under deployment 1,590 EVs in more than 160 Central and state government departments in 49 cities. These e-cars are being given on a lease/outright purchase basis to replace the existing petrol and diesel vehicles taken on lease earlier.
EESL/CESL is also developing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure and has signed MoUs with multiple stakeholders across municipalities, DISCOMs for location assessment study and setting up of charging infrastructures in their jurisdiction location. As of date EESL/CESL has installed 301 nos. of EV chargers across India.
Thirteen states of Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Gujarat and West Bengal have approved/notified dedicated electric vehicles (EV) policies to promote the adoption of electric vehicles.
The National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020 is a National Mission document providing the vision and the roadmap for the faster adoption of electric vehicles and their manufacturing in the country. This plan was designed to enhance national fuel security, provide affordable and environmentally friendly transportation and enable the Indian automotive industry to achieve global manufacturing leadership.
Based on the outcome and experience gained during Phase-I of the FAME India Scheme and after having consultations with all stakeholders, including Industry and Industry Associations, the government notified Phase-II of the FAME India Scheme for a period of three years commencing from 1st Apri1,2019 with total budgetary support of Rs. 10,000 crore.
Under Phase-II of the FAME India Scheme, Rs. 1000 Cr. is allocated for the development of charging stations. Further, the Ministry has sanctioned 2,877 Electric Vehicles (EVs) Charging Stations amounting to Rs 500 Crore (Approx.) in 68 cities across 25 States/UTs under FAME India (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid & Electric Vehicles in India) Scheme Phase II. The details of charging stations functional in the country for electric vehicles under the FAME India Scheme.
For more details click here: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1744069
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