March 10, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Solar electric vehicles can be powered with these solar cells

Solar electric vehicles

Solar electric vehicles can be powered with these solar cells

Toyota Motor Corporation, Sharp Corporation, and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization researchers have suggested a special kind of solar cell that could be utilised for solar-powered electric vehicles in the future.

Solar electric vehicles

The team of researchers said that the static concentrator photovoltaic (PV), silicon-based III-V tandem solar cells, and coloured PV can be used for electric vehicles. They have said that the solar cells with high efficiencies, such as multijunctional III-V solar cells with an energy efficiency of over 30% will be sufficient for solar-powered vehicle applications.

The silicon-based III-V tandem solar cells can be used for solar-powered vehicle applications due to its high efficiency of over 42%, light-weight and low-cost. According to the reports, the global cumulative photovoltaic capacity of solar-powered vehicles will be around 50 GW in 2030 and approximately 400 GW in 2040.

The cost of the solar module can be reduced by film thickness, reuse of substrates, and a high growth rate of films, film thickness, reuse of substrates, and a high growth rate of films. The cost of III-V-based solar modules can be reduced to $10/W by increasing its production up to 10 MW annually with a high-speed growth method.

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The use of silicon substrate instead of Gallium Arsenide or Germanium substrates can help in reducing the cost of the solar module said the researchers. The high-speed deposition technology (H-VPE) can be used to decrease the deposition cost for III-V materials without any significant decrease in its performance.

The solar-powered test car is developed by a Japanese automobile manufacturer Toyota with the help of triple-junction solar cell modules with an efficiency of nearly over 32% and an output power of 860 W.

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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