NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd Is Looking For Bidders
The NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) Ltd is looking for bidders to set up EV charging infrastructure with Bharat EV Chargers. It invites online bids from eligible bidders for the development of charging infrastructure package with Bharat EV Chargers (DC & AC). Eligible EV manufacturers will have an opportunity to work with Bharat EV Chargers.
For Any Queries regarding bidding Click Here
Scope Of Work
The scope of work includes the complete turnkey which are Supply, Packing and Forwarding, Transportation, Unloading, Storage, Installation and Commissioning including earthing, cabling all associated civil works which are related with the Bharat DC-001 and AC-001 Chargers for Electric Vehicles in specific locations.
Winning Bidder Will Sign An AMC For The Complete System
The winning bidder will have to give a 1 year OEM in-built warranty and extra 5 years annual maintenance contract (AMC) for the complete system by signing an AMC.
Document Sale Commencement Date And Close Date & Time
The Document Sale Commencement Date is 19.01.2019 and Close Date & Time 30.01.2019 Up to 17:00:00 (IST). The last day for the bidding for both techno-commercial and price bid is February 14, 2019. The next day itself the techno-commercial bid will open on February 15, 2019, at 10:30:00 (IST).
Qualifying Requirements for Bidders
The Bidder Should Have Two Route-
1) manufactured & supplied OR be a charge point provider of Off-board Electric Vehicle (EV) DC Charger(s), Its capacity should be at least 50kW or above or out of which at least one such EV DC Charger should be of 15kW or above.
2) Electrical Sub-station of 11 kV or above voltage level, consisting of equipment such as 11kV or above voltage level circuit breakers and Transformer, either as a developer or as EPC Contractor which should be in successful operation at least the date of techno-commercial bid starting.
Financial criteria
The Average annual turnover of a bidder should be not less than Rs 5.50 crore during the three completed financial years as on date of techno-commercial bid opening.
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