March 09, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Now you can charge your Electric Vehicles at Homes and Offices!

Charge Electric Vehicles at Homes and Offices!

Electric Vehicles have been popularized for their unique features- eco-friendly, high speed and no noise. Here you have another opportunity coming in to charge your EV.

Charge Electric Vehicles at Homes and Offices

Earlier you would have charged your EV using the various EVs Apps and charging stations but now its much easier to charge at your convenience, yes! you can charge at your home and at your office as well.
It can be charged through the electricity power utilities.

No Requirement of Separate License for EVs Charging Stations 

Guidelines, given by Anoop Singh Bisht, under the secretary in the power ministry that EVs can be charged at homes and offices. There will be no requirement of separate license for setting up the charging stations under the Electricity Act of 2003.

Japanese and Chinese Technologies for EVs

The Public charging stations will be installed in both Japanese and Chinese charging technologies for EV as per Government ordered. As they could not select anyone but there will be an increase in the prices.

Charging Stations- Every 3km in cities and 25 km on Highways

As per the guidelines, there will be a charging station at every three km in cities and every 25 km on both sides of highways.

15% of electricity to charge an Electric Vehicle

It will take an average cost of supply plus 15% of electricity to charge the electric vehicle public charging stations.

Its a good news for all EV users as they need not to worry about the charging, they can now charge their EVs much easier. EV users can charge their vehicles either at their home or while they work at their offices.


About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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