Electric Vehicles Myths and Facts
Due to the emergence and trending of Electric Vehicles, many people are opting for EVs whereas many are still in confusion. Some are not ready to accept the fact that EVs are less emitting, less pollutant of air and sound. Some think Electric Vehicles pollutes more than the normal fuel vehicles. They think it pollutes more as it uses more electricity and the use of electricity leads to the generating of electricity.
Here are some of the myths and facts that you wanted to know!
Switching to EV creates the same amount of emission as there will need to generate more electricity.
An Electric Vehicle emits less carbon dioxide from electricity than the CO2 pollution from the conventional car with an internal combustion engine.
Electric Vehicle batteries creates a recycle problem.
The batteries made of lithium-ion will have more value and it is recyclable metals. It can be recycled for the production of alloy that is later refined to cobalt, nickel and other valuable metals and special grades of concrete.
Battery will run out at any time and anywhere and you will stand out.
Yes, as it EV it will need a different kind of planning than a conventional car.
normal EV drives less than 40 km each day and fully charged, pure EV can travel up to 60 to 110 km on one charge. But the new Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) have more range than the old ones it can be charged at any ordinary electrical outlet with 120V or at publicly accessible station.
EVs can be used within the city for shortest trips
EVs have travelled more than 120 miles regularly since more than seven years.
There is just difference of tailpipe with a smokestack between the EVs and conventional vehicles.
Plug-in Vehicles reduced the emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants compared to conventional gas or hybrid vehicles. Electricity is renewable from sun or wind. Even when the electricity is generated by coal PHEVs will reduce greenhouse gases and other emissions.
EVs takes too long to charge.
You can charge your EV while you are sleeping, Charge can be done overnight using the slowest 120-volt outlet which gives you 40 miles of range. Many BEVs and PHEVs will charge from 240-volt outlets that provides double or triple charge at similar time. Charging stations are also other alternates that charges EVs more efficiently and quickly.
Lithium batteries are dangerous and can explode
Most of the makers of EVs are working on battery types such as lithium-iron-phosphate and lithium-manganese which provides safety options and can give better service for years to its consumers.
These are some of the myths and facts which consumers may have.