March 10, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Evie Networks launches all-electric rideshare car rental service

Evie Networks

Evie Networks launches all-electric rideshare car rental service

Evie Networks charging network provider plans to launch an all-electric rideshare car rental service to raise awareness and demand for electric vehicles (EVs). The new EV rental business, eMentum, shared its plan to offer charging to EV rental members of the all-female rideshare company Shebah in South East Queensland.

Evie Networks

The services will be first available to the rideshare drivers who drive for Shebah, Uber, Didi and GoCatch in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. The company allows drivers to select one of two membership levels which give access to an all-electric Hyundai Ioniq, one of the most Australia’saffordable EVs at just under $50,000 before on-roads. The Evie Networks’ CEO Chris Mills said that the idea is to increase the number of electric vehicles in Australia.

“We weren’t going to sit around waiting for that to happen,” Mills said. “We have taken the step to provide vehicles to some of the hardest working drivers in Australia who can benefit from the low operating costs of electric vehicles.”

“By getting electric vehicles on the road in the hands of drivers who are going to drive them intensively we can maximise the clean air and carbon reduction benefits of transitioning this fleet of vehicles. The benefits of transitioning a rideshare vehicle are as much a 3x that of transitioning a personal car.”

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The drivers can book a set number of hours or share a booking with another driver, dropping it off in their neighbourhood and only paying for the time the vehicles is used. The Shebah CEO, Georgina McEncroe says that the electric vehicles complement Shebah’s mission to provide safe transportation to women and children.

“Shebah recognises that economic empowerment is paramount to the independence and well-being of women. Providing our drivers with a safe, sustainable and low-cost option gives our drivers a great foundation for economic independence whilst reducing their environmental impact.”

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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