March 10, 2025

  • Daily Motion

EV month Poll-Do you think EVs are the future, why the growth is slow?

EV month Poll

EV month Poll-Do you think EVs are the future, why the growth is slow?

Electric Vehicles have conducted a poll for a month on its website to get feedback from the people to know what they think about the growth of the electric vehicles is slow. We asked them Do you think electric vehicles are the future, then what you think why the growth is slow? Here are the EV month Poll results. 

Electric Vehicles are popular these days, the transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles or fuel-based vehicles to electric is taking place slowly but steadily around the world.

India is adopting new technologies each and every day, but that is not as easy as we think. To adopt a new technology we have to go through with the various challenges.

We cannot expect any growth to happen overnight, but it can be achieved if we find perfect solutions and implement the possibilities.

Here are the results of the poll conducted for a month

EV month Poll

The main reason for the slow growth of electric vehicles is Charging infrastructure, 36.27% of people think there is a lack of charging infrastructure in India. 

The next main reason for the slow growth is the price of electric vehicles (EV) as 24.35% people think the price of the EVs is high leading to the slow growth as many people cannot afford costlier vehicles. 

8.29% people voted for range, as in India we dont have enough range of EVs as of now but there are EVs (cars) lined up to launch in India by 2020. Hope they solve these range issues.

As the battery is an important component of any electric vehicle, the whole life of the EV is dependant on the battery and its life. As one-third of the EV cost is of battery in simple words it is the most expensive component that people have anxiety for the life of the battery as they have to buy again spending a lot of money, 7.25% people think this is also a reason. 

Next comes the government incentives, 6.74% of people think government incentives are not sufficient or are not applied properly, etc. 

“Time is precious,” here we can see 4.66% people think charging time is one of the reasons for the slow growth of EVs. Many EVs takes at least 4 to 5 hours to charge depending on the battery and charger type. With the invention of Fast chargers and Swappable technology around the country may solve this problem.

4.15% voted for lack of advertisements on TV,  according to a survey 836 million are TV viewers in 2018 only in India. We see a lot of commercials coming in between for spreading awareness about a lot of things and people believe it. They get to know what is going on in the world through it. If EVs also advertised people will get to know more and more about it. 

3.63% of people voted for fear to accept the new technology, they dont want to take a risk and not even try it. 

2.59% of people think people are used to gasoline vehicles, they are not ready to accept the new technology, they want to be the same with what they use to be. 

2.07% of people think there might be some other reasons other than this. 

Comment below what can be the other reasons for the slow growth of EVs. 


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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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