Covid-19 lockdown-What
Society of EV Manufacturers
is telling?
Covid-19 lockdown that is ongoing will lead to great economic loss. It is also effecting the EV industry, the electric two and three-wheeler industry with smaller players are unable to survive the “extreme short term” folding up, said Society of Electric Vehicles Manufacturers (SMEV).
SMEV Director General Sohinder Gill said that however people will realise how the lockdown has affected the quality of air and environment. As we told earlier also the air quality has been improved a lot as the internal combustion engines are off the roads due to the lockdown. He said that in the long run electric vehicles will find more acceptance after this.
COVID-19 impacts on electric vehicles industry worldwide
“It is a day-to-day operation these days and monitoring being done everyday basis because in the network across India all shutters are down, which means for the last 25 days the retail is zero,” he said.
Covid-19 lockdown
It is also not sure if customers will come back to showrooms as it is a non-compulsory expenditure in this crisis period.
Apart from the lockdown situations “No one is going to purchase automobiles so soon and within that electric vehicle, which was already having a question mark, people will have second thoughts” he added.
Due to lack of sales the finance issues may also rises. If the retail income is stopped then the materials cannot be ordered.
Coronavirus impacts on sales of EVs
Gill also said that players who have strong back support, parent organisations or have funds will be able to survive. But the small and medium players who dont have much earnings or income are already passing through the extreme cash crunch
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