March 10, 2025

  • Daily Motion

COVID-19 lockdown what happened to earth? EVs promises greener earth

COVID-19 lockdown

COVID-19 lockdown what

happened to earth? EVs

promise greener earth

We are witnessing many governments across the world are coming up with many initiatives such as lockdown to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus Pandemic. So far 69,514 have died worldwide and 109 in India. But due to this lockdown, something good has also happened, read further to know in detail what COVID-19 lockdown has done to the earth.

COVID-19 lockdown did something amazing to earth

FAME India

The Department of Heavy Industry launched the FAME India Scheme (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles) in 2015. It has successfully completed its Phase-I and now it is in its second Phase, Phase-II which focuses to promote public transport most importantly the buses.

According to FAME India, the total number of vehicles sold are 280988 which means 62854640 fuel saved in litres. Out of which 52794 fuel is saved per day. We are reducing the CO2 to 156499966 in kg which means 130835 kg per day.

Read: EVs Reduces Air Pollution-India Ranks 3rd Position In Air Pollution

As the whole country is into lockdown to control the widespread of COVID-19. Everything is been stopped including factories, businesses and roads as the government asked the people to stay at home.  

As a result, India has noticed a huge difference in the quality of air. As the movements which include road and rail transportation, construction, land drills, etc.

The lockdown has caused the immeasurable loss to the economy but however into all these chaos our planet earth is healing, its rejuvenating itself. It is observed that there is an extreme decrease in air pollution. 

Read: Coronavirus impacts on sales of EVs

According to the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA), the average concentrations of PM 2.5, which is hazardous to health in high concentrations have decreased from 91 micrograms per cubic meter on March 20 to 26 micrograms per cubic meter on March 27.

As per the World Health Organization (WHO) concentration below 25 micrograms per cubic meter is safe.

There is also a drop in the nitrogen oxide levels which is said to contribute smog and acid rain. It has dropped by 45% since march in the most polluted cities Mumbai and Pune.

Apart from that, last year in Delhi people has witnessed the highest levels of air pollution in the world. It had become worse than the public health emergency was imposed. In which all the flights and schools were shut down.

Lars Peter Riishojgaard, from the infrastructure department of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), stated, “While in the short term, carbon dioxide emissions would go down as cars stay put and aircraft remain on the ground, we expect the impact will be fairly short-lived,”

“The pandemic will be over at some point and the world will start going back to work and with that, the CO2 emissions will pick up again, maybe or maybe not to quite the same level.”

We have seen much differences in the air due to this lockdown but once it is done, it might go to the same level as previously it was. 

Read: COVID-19 impacts on electric vehicles industry worldwide

Air Pollution Caused By Vehicles

The microscopic pollutants in the air pass into your body, that penetrates deep into your respiratory and circulatory system, damaging our lungs, heart, and brain.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), every nine out of ten people breathe polluted air which results in the death of 7 million people every year by suffering from stroke, lung cancer, and heart disease.

We can take a step towards reducing toxic air pollution by using electric vehicles as it reduces CO2 emissions in the air and sound pollution when compared to conventional vehicles.

Using an electric vehicle (EV) you not only contribute to climate change but you will also get quiet, smooth and fast driving experience.

Using electric vehicles might not completely solve the air and sound pollution as there are also some other pollutants as well but it will definitely decrease the vehicular pollution. 

As vehicles are our everyday companions, modes of transportation and an essential part of our lives that we cannot skip them rather we can transform them into electric vehicles. So that we will contribute our part for the country. 

COVID-19 is not only helping in curbing pollution but it has also helped the country to identify the Seismic noise easily than before. 

According to the seismologists from the Royal Observatory of Belgium said that the worldwide lockdown results in the earth’s crust to vibrate less which means the Seismic noise inside the earth is caused by the movements on the earth.

The Geoscientists use a detector buried 100 metres under the earth’s surface. But those vibrations can be identified very easily. This becomes easy to study and identifies the planet’s crust and other seismic activities such as detecting earthquakes and monitoring volcanic activity. One-third of the seismic noise has been decreased due to lockdown.

If we all opt for electric vehicles for our everyday commutes, we will surely maintain the same amount of pollution level as it is now.

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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