February 22, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Ashok Leyland to Bring Electric Vehicles to India from UK

Ashok Leyland to Bring Electric Vehicles to India from the UK

India has over 1.6 million buses registered for over 70 million people. Air pollution in terms of suspended Particulate matter (SPM) in all metropolitan cities once exceeded the limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO), Now it has reduced after the introduction of Electric vehicles into the Indian roads.

Traffic congestion on Indian Roads

The traffic on our roads has been constantly rising. Indian cities face severe traffic congestion. Growing Traffic and limited road space have reduced the peak-hour speeds to 5 to 10 km/hr in the central areas of many major cities. This also leads to higher levels of vehicular emission. In research, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) reports that the quantity of all three major pollutants (CO, Hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides) increases with a reduction in motor vehicle speeds. Thus, the traffic congestion in Indian cities not only increases the delay but also increases the pollution.

The lack of proper plans and the use of conventional vehicles are the main reasons behind this issue. We Indians do not give importance to the newer technology than the old one. We always love to use the older technologies which create lots and lots of pollution. So, to overcome this issue we need to switch over to electric vehicles, which will drastically reduce the pollution levels.

Ashok Leyland

The major vehicle manufacturer for the public transport sector is Ashok Leyland. They are now planning to import Electric vehicles from a subsidiary called Switch mobility, a UK-based Electric vehicles manufacturer of buses and vans. It also plans to form a second subsidiary OHM Global mobility to provide mobility as a service. Ashok Leyland, Switch mobility and OHM global mobility will together provide a zero-carbon emission by providing EV urban buses and LCVs. This plan could reduce a notable amount of pollution if executed.


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About The Author

An environmentalist who loves cycling and aims to reduce the pollution by promoting sustainable energy. creating awareness to the people through writing.

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