September 07, 2024

  • Daily Motion

Advanced Electric Tractors eTow & eTasker-Electric Vehicles

electric tractors

Electric Tractor is a private corporation from Canada with a 30 Year success record in electronic
R&D. The company has launched next generation utility electric tractors which are quiet as a mouse
strong as an ox and smart as a dolphin.

Two OX2 electric tractor models will be soon released for both commercial and residential markets.
eTasker and eTow are the two e-tractors going to release soon in the market.

Features of the electric tractors

electric tractors


  • Clean and pollution free
  • Quiet as a clothes dryer
  • Smart computer controller


This electric tractor can do work around the home and commercial properties.Best for farmers and farming.

etasker electric tractors

Specifications of eTasker

  1. Sharp edge cutting blades
  2. Rotating drums
  3. An electric connection to extend the motor power.
  4. 110/120V outlet.


The eTow electric tractor is a baggage wagon, works as a flower cart train, small
agrigultural implemts .

etow electric tractors


Specifications of eTow electric tractor

  • Smooth handling
  • Used to handle maximum weights
  • Towing capacity of 3,500 kilos

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