Why electric vehicles are important?
It is well known that vehicles, which remain popular means of transportation are one of the leading causes of air pollution due to the significant inclination in the number of vehicles at an alarming rate as a consequence of urbanization that further delivers ozone, particulate matter like soot, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide as well as carbon emissions like CO, CO2, thus, in turn, are the sources for reduced air quality index(AQI), global warming, smog and acid rains.
Why electric vehicles are important?
Individuals exposed to such pollution undergo symptoms like cough, headache, nausea, eye irritation, various bronchial and visibility problems. Replacing Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles(ICEVs) with green energy, that provides the highest environmental benefits from the power generated by solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass sources according to Environment Protection Agency(EPA) is the best suitable solution to clean energy-efficient vehicles for future transportation needs. Traditionally vehicles relied on coal, oil and kerosene to run them, now these are non-renewable and expel pollution into the environment, EVs, which uses one or more traction motors for propulsion and powered through a collector system or self-contained with a battery or a solar panel or an electric generator that convert fuel to electricity are not only limited to rail, road but also to the surface, underwater vessels, aircraft and spacecraft too. Because electricity was among the preferred methods for motor vehicular propulsion, EVs initially came into existence in the mid-nineteenth century providing a level of comfort, ease of operation that could not be achieved.
Similar to an LED bulb, electrified transportation offers a drastic improvement in energy efficiency over ICEVs, which remain around 82% of the energy used to power an EV down the road depending on the ratio of the city to the highway. According to Bloomberg NEF data, manufacturing a lithium-ion(LI)battery, that is required to run a battery Electric vehicle(BEV) could emit 74% more CO2 than a normal battery. But once compared to ICEVs, detailing the contributions of LI battery fabrication, tailpipe emissions, upstream fuel-cycle emissions completely as Life cycle Assessment (LCA) dramatically influence conclusions about the carbon intensity of battery for each stage of each component of a battery.
LI battery production requires extraction, refining rare,energy-intensive metals due to extreme heat and sterile conditions, thus produce more emissions. Overall, EVs typically have a much lower life cycle Greenhouse Gas(GHGs)emissions than ICEVs.For example, an average EV in Europe cause 50% less life cycle GHGs over the 1st 1,50,000 km of driving although the relative benefit varies from ( 28-72)% depending on electricity generation.
EVs can be a catalyst for a multitude of industry opportunities creating wealth through jobs, market the leading products in industries such as road/traffic control authorities installing new navigation/tracking technology, Research and Development to investigate, analyse and determine solutions to needs, vehicle charging stations, the electric industry in infrastructure, automatic electrics, the manufacturing industry in metal fabrication, plastic component design in material and electronic systems. As EV industry proliferates, battery recycling becomes feasible as material production is responsible for approximately half of GHGs, recycled materials typically slump carbon footprint than the same materials from virgin sources. Despite having drawbacks like wide range for BEVs and an increased initial cost, users of BEVs can have 90% of fewer moving parts without maintaining costs such as oil changes and timing belts.EV charging stations can be handed down to feed the charge from batteries back to the grid, utilised as a backup resource in case of a large plant power generation failure or load balancing on the grid.
As EVs are more expensive than ICEVs to purchase, respective governments offer tax credits or other incentives to EV buyers that can lower their upfront costs. For instance, in 2006, a green car definition was introduced in Sweden, the air to specify certain vehicle criteria, vehicle compliance to receive benefits like tax reliefs.
According to an analysis of NITI(National Institute for Transforming India)Aayog, a policy think tank of Govt.of India, the country can save over 60% of anticipated road-based passenger mobility-related energy demand in 2030 by pursuing a shared, electric and connected mobility future, that would potentially assist to plunge more than 35% of carbon emissions from the sector. Also due to the incentives provided,60% of all cars sold in Norway in 2019 were either plugin hybrids or electrics. Denmark declared a full conversion to EVs by 2025, meanwhile, in China, sales have grown three-fold over last year.
It begins with individual responsibility to have a cleaner planet as EVs have much lower lifetime emissions. In conclusion, all the nations should create a significant opportunity for the decarbonization of the transportation sector by initiating market on multiple fronts by promoting EVs at a faster rate acceleration as they are with zero emissions(in terms of both carbon and noise), approaching for EOI(Expression of interest)for funding, investing in manufacturing and material supply.
This article is a guest article written by VISHNU VARDHAN MAJETI. Electricvehicles team thank and appreciate his efforts towards contributing greener energy.

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