February 20, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Waltair Division of East Coast Railway introduces electric vehicles

Waltair introduces electric vehicles

Waltair Division of East Coast Railway introduces electric vehicles

Waltair Division of East Coast Railway for the first time in Indian Railways has introduced the electric vehicles instead of hiring of diesel vehicles, it has electric vehicles to meet everyday operations and to maintain the assets of the railways.

Waltair introduces electric vehicles

Waltair introduces electric vehicles

At present, the Railways uses 50 hired vehicles for transportation in Waltair division, according to Senior Divisional Commercial Manager G. Suneel Kumar. Out of them half of them is used for the crew and other staff transportation.

As pollution levels are going high day by day the Waltair division railways decided to switch to the green energy fuelled vehicles in place of diesel vehicles for their everyday operations to curb the pollution levels in the country.

Using electric vehicles will not only reduce the pollution levels but it also helps to cut down on the running expenditures which are spent on diesel vehicles. The Divisional Railway Manager Chetan Kumar Shrivastava planned to deploy the electric vehicles with the help of E.Co.R. Women’s Welfare Organisation. These vehicles were procured by ECoRWWO and Smt Shalini Shrivastava, President ECoRWWO, Waltair inaugurated the E-Vehicles in the presence of the DRM, and others on Saturday. 

Railway Minister-Indian Railways to be fully electrified by next 2-3 years

If we look at the annual expenditure of incurring for one hired vehicle is around Rs. 8.43 lakh whereas the price of one E-Rickshaw is about Rs Two Lakhs and the running expenditure for one year hiring Km of 40,000 Km comes to Rs. 34000, Suneel Kumar said.

said that “One E-Rickshaw gives a range of 60km per charge, and it takes about 4-5hours for a full charge by consuming 6 unit’s electric power. It has four number batteries and one electric drive connected to the rear wheels of the rickshaw.”

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for ElectricVehicles.in since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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