March 09, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Tamil Nadu to set up EV park to build production ecosystem

Tamil Nadu to set up EV park

Tamil Nadu to set up EV park to build production ecosystem

The Tamil Nadu government has announced that it is planning to establish an exclusive park to promote electric vehicles production ecosystem in the state. This park will be spread across 300 acres of land and will include incentives like 100 per cent GST reimbursement and 50 per cent capital subsidy.

Tamil Nadu to set up EV park

Tamil Nadu to set up EV park

This plan is the part of its bid to attract Rs 50,000 crore investment in the EV sector. Through this plan, the State aims to make the State as the hub of electric vehicles and component manufacturing units including battery and charging infrastructure.

It is part of the State’s Electric Vehicle Policy and through it Tamil Nadu, at present a major automotive manufacturing powerhouse aims to build a comprehensive EV ecosystem which helps to attract the investment of Rs 50,000 crore and by this around 150,000 new employment opportunities will be created in the new ecosystem.

As per the EV Policy, the State Government will introduce 100 per cent motor vehicle tax exemption for all-electric vehicles including two-wheelers, cars, auto-rickshaws, buses and light goods carriers till 31 December 2022. Besides this, it will also waive off the registration charges/fees (as per Government of India’s notification) on all-electric vehicles. Three-wheeler goods, e-carriers as well as electric light goods carriers will not be asked for a permit.

Yesterday, the Council of Ministers, Government of NCT of Delhi approved Delhi Electric vehicles policy 2020. The policy recognises that a new approach is needed to kick-start the adoption of electric vehicles in Delhi. The Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal launched this new EV policy which aims to boost the economy, create jobs and reduce air pollution in Delhi.

The main objective of the Delhi EV policy, 2020 is to establish Delhi as the EV capital of India and accelerate the space of EV adoption across vehicle segments especially in the mass category of two-wheelers, public and shared transport vehicles and good carriers. It seeks to drive rapid adoption of BEVs so that they contribute to 25% of all new vehicle registrations by 2024.

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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