Bajaj Auto’s Chetak Premium is set to be launched on January 5, 2024. The Company has already announced the mode and its updates on social media and it is expected that the electric scooter will be updated with extensive changes to its feature list and mechanicals. The latest iteration of Bajaj’s premium scooter is set to be released on January 5. The updated Bajaj Chetak premium will come with a new TFT screen, a bigger battery, and higher top speed for better differentiation compared to the entry-level city trim.
Bajaj Chetak Premium will get a new 7-inch TFT screen in 2024. The new screen will replace the LCD console that was previously on the e-scooter. The round console will continue to be on the urbane variant. The new dashboard will add more features to the premium trim.
The new TFT screen will have Bluetooth connectivity, turn-by-turn navigation via an app, calls/ SMS/ music notifications, remote immobilization, and TPMS (temperature and pressure monitoring system). It is also expected to have a larger under-storage capacity, going up from 18 to 21 liters.
Further, the leaked document revealed that the 2024 model will get a larger battery pack of 3.2 kWh, which promises a range of 126 km on a single charge (IDC). This is significantly more than the 2.9 kWh battery in the urbane variant, which has a range of 108km (IDC). Charging time is expected to go up due to the larger battery pack, with 0-100 percent being achieved in 4 hours with the Astarndrad charger, and the top speed is expected to reach 73 kmph from 63 kmph.
From a design point of view, we can assume that the new model will follow the same styling cues as the outgoing Chetak. Although the Chetak has been on the road for four years now, it continues to age gracefully and is a rather attractive model with a good level of quality and craftsmanship. We also anticipate that the updated Chetak will carry over the LED switchgear, the longer single seat, the apron storage and alloy wheels as well as the sequential LED turn indicator.
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