Nikola NZT is an electric race car With the exotic looks and stunning performance. Nikola Nzt introduced to the automobile market as the most advanced electric UTVs in the world. The price tag is a juicy – $28,900. The suspension makes the rider body feels like traveling in heaven.
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Nikola Nzt Specifications
- Acceleration of 0-96 km in 3.5 seconds
- Maximum range 140 to 240km
- Maximum torque up to 722FT/LBS
- Three charging modes with 3hours fast charge option
- Delivers up to 590HP
- Three different battery pack with 75kwh,100kwh, and 125kwh battery pack.
- 21700 LITHIUM-iON cells battery pack.
- Battery pack weight varies with 226 to 680kg depends on customer choice.
Nikola Nzt Electric Race Car HD Images
Nikola Nzt Electric Race Car Features
Standard 2 year warranty
Lare display screen 12.2inch and 7 inch
Weight 2,300 -4,200Ibs
Waterproof battery.
4 seating capacity
Warranty of two years on battery and 32,186 Km range.