March 09, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Meghalaya EV policy 2021

Meghalaya EV policy 2021

Meghalaya EV policy 2021

To encourage the adoption of electric vehicles, the Government Transport Department of Meghalaya has issued a dedicated EV policy ‘Meghalaya Electric vehicle Policy, 2021.’ It targets 15% of electric vehicles penetration by 2025. The policy will come into effect from April 1 and will be in operation and valid for 5 years. 

As per the notification from the Meghalaya Government, as of October 2020, the Meghalaya accounts for only 0.002% of the electric vehicles sold in India and total EVs in the State account for only 0.001% of the total vehicles registered in the State. 


  • 15 % EVs in the State by 2025
  • EVs including adequate power supply, a network of charging points with favourable power tariff and adequate service centres.

Incentives for Electric Two Wheelers

  • Rs  10,000/- per KWH for the first 3500 electric two-wheelers purchased and registered in the State during the Policy period.
  • The maximum ex-factory price to avail incentive is  Rs  1.5  lakhs for electric two-wheelers vehicles.

Incentives for Electric Three Wheelers

  • Rs  4,000/- per KWH for the first 200 electric three-wheelers purchased and registered in the State during the Policy period.
  • The maximum ex-factory price to avail incentive is Rs 5 lakhs for electric three-wheeler vehicles.

Incentives for Electric Four Wheeler Cars

  • Rs 4000/- per KWH for the first  2500  four-wheeler  EVs purchased and registered in the  State during the Policy period.
  • The maximum ex-factory price to avail incentive is Rs 15 lakhs for electric four-wheeler vehicles.

Incentives for Electric Strong Hybrid Four Wheelers

  • Rs 4000/- per KWH for the first 30 strong hybrid 4 wheeler EVs purchased and registered in the State during the Policy period.
  • The maximum ex-factory price to avail incentive is  Rs 15  lakhs for strong hybrid electric four-wheeler vehicles

Incentives for Electric Buses

  • Rs 4000/-  per KWH for the first 30 EV Buses purchased and registered in the State during the Policy period.
  • The maximum ex-factory price to avail incentive is  Rs  2  crores for  EV Buses.
  • The  Government will encourage the setting up of charging stations for  EV buses on the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model.

Support for Charging Stations

  • Setting  up  of  slow and fast EVs  charging  stations at Government buildings and public places
  • Govt identifies land and encouraging private investments at key locations.
  • Setting up charging stations at Meghalaya   Transport   Corporation’s depots,   Inter-State   Bus Terminus, Deputy Commissioner’s offices, Secretariat, State Central Library, Urban Affairs Department’s parking lots, other State Government facilities, and commercial buildings such as hotels, shopping malls, cinema halls and apartments.
  • Provides attractive electricity tariff including fixed demand charges for the EVCS.
  • Provide priority electricity connections to EVCS. 

The State Government will endeavour to provide Government land, wherever available, free of cost, to any Government agency (both State and Central) including Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) or any private agency on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) basis, for the first five years in order to make the EVCS economically viable.

Support for Start-ups

  • EV startups will get skilling and mentoring support
  • The incentives for start-ups shall be as applicable under the Meghalaya Startup Policy, 2018.

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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