March 10, 2025

  • Daily Motion

GoFuel & Ez4EV providing charging solutions in India 


GoFuel & Ez4EV providing charging solutions in India 

GoFuel a Chennai based start-up has introduced a mobile charging service. The company plans to expand its operation to provide mobile charging and swapping stations for electric two, three and four-wheelers.

GoFuel plans to have these mobile units charged using solar energy. These charging stations are different for different segments as for four-wheelers the mobile charging solution will comprise of a van with on-board energy storage and can be dispatched to your location and charge your vehicle. These chargers offer fast charges with a rate of up to 200kW.

For two and three-wheelers the batteries can be removed. The GoFuel also offers battery swapping solutions that dispatch the fully-charged battery packs to your location and you can swap it in just minutes. The GoFuel founder and CEO Vinodhraj say “expand its network and reach multiple charging vehicles, which we will initialise, both ourselves and via our GoFueler franchise model.”

At present, the GoFuel’s franchisee model is operational in Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab and soon it will reach to pan-India. The Company is also planning to install up to 100 mobile charging and swapping stations powered by solar energy, by mid-2022.


A battery storage and charger development company Ez4EV has announced that it will launch on-demand mobile electric vehicle charging stations ‘EzUrja’ in the next 3 months. These chargers will be available like mobile ATMs and the customers can locate them and chosen as per their convenience.

The CEO of Ez4EV Satinder Singh said that “Ez4EV Private Ltd is all set to launch its innovative mobile charging solution EzUrja (easy oorja) for electric vehicles in next three months to mitigate the range anxiety of EV owners and to instantly up the missing infrastructure for EV charging points in the country,”

Singh said, “EV development prerequisite is the charging point availabilities. In our country where customer delight is on a door-step delivery basis, we complement the same by providing India’s first ‘Charging-on-Demand’ to ease the ride of an EV owner”.

These Mega Chargers can charge a typical electric car for daily use in under 10 minutes (up to 80% charge) and public mobility buses & fleet under 30 minutes (up to 80% charge). They are managed as an Internet of Things (IoT) device that allows remote condition monitoring and organisation of operations.

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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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