October 25, 2024

  • Daily Motion

EV Infrastructure-Government Providing 5,000 Cr

EV Infrastructure

In the budget 2019, there were no such plans were disclosed in the favor of the EVs industry, but now the Government will provide 5,000 Cr for the development of EV infrastructure in India by 2025.


The Government Will Provide 5,000 Cr For Development Of EV Infrastructure In India

The plans come under the momentous Rs 88,500 Cr scheme in which 83,500 Cr is kept aside for the installation of current power stations, curb emissions and greenhouse gases. The left amount will be used in the construction of modern EV infrastructure.

In 70 Major Indian Cities, The Plan Will Be Implemented

70 major Indian cities will have these plan to be implemented for the development of electric vehicles in five to six years.

EV Infrastructure- The Initiate Taken To Encourage EV Sales In India

The initiative has been taken to encourage EV sales in India and to make India 100% eco-friendly by 2030. This is a great opportunity for the new EV automakers looking forward to stepping into the EV market, however, they are still in thoughts due to the slow market growth.


Opportunities In The Future With This Plan

  • Many new electric automakers may step into the Electric vehicle market as there is an advanced opportunity supporting EV infrastructure which leaves more options for the buyers to choose from.
  • As buyers will have more numbers on the list, they go for electric vehicle and the demand for traditional combustion engines will gradually fall down.
  • This will also reduce the carbon footprint and makes India with greener future.


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About The Author

Mastered in Journalism and I am a dedicated writer for ElectricVehicles.in since 2018. I am an EV enthusiast. I love to write about electric vehicles, technology, startups, people, fashion, and trends. Through my writings, I love to contribute to my team's efforts to reduce the pollution levels in the world, especially from India.

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