March 31, 2025

  • Daily Motion

Charging stations business in India.

As we all can see how Electric vehicles were growing day by day and there is a lot of opportunity in the automobile industry at moment there are fewer charging stations in India but in the future, it will become a game-changer in Indian business in other.
The charging stations are going to operate like a petrol pump here we can see how petrol pumps were operating like petrol pumps charging stations will be the limitless and everlasting business potential in India,

charging stations are on their way to expanding and grabbing the global market in the coming years.
Need for charging stations.

Businesses are increasingly going digital to break the cycle of escalating pollution and limit the usage of natural resources, which raises CO2 emissions in our environment. Currently, our country is riding the EV wave.

According to data from the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, total registered EV volumes across all segments combined reached 3.13 lakh units in 2021. It goes on to say that registered EV sales will surpass one lakh in just two months in 2022.
According to the NITI Aayog report, the country is aiming for a 30% market share in the EV industry by 2030. All of these figures show that India is steadily moving toward an EV revolution.

To begin, let us define the services supplied by a charging station. Motorcycles, scooters, and other electric vehicles on city streets. Prior, electric vehicles were charged at home. However, not all locations offer a dedicated charging station.

Cost of setting up a charging station:

There are two components of expenditure that decide the financial viability of any business, namely -the capital and operational expenditure. The operational expenses of running any business are also very critical for its sustenance. In the case of charging stations, there are practically no fixed operational expenses.

The Indian government has concluded that no license is required to build charging infrastructure as long as it meets the ‘Ministry of Power standards. As a result, there is no need for special permission to transmit, distribute, or exchange power to charge electric car batteries.

As a result, the expense of constructing EV charging stations is limited to chargers, electricity, software, infrastructure, advertising, employees, and maintenance.

According to experts, the typical cost of installing an EV charging point ranges between Rs 1 lakh to Rs 50 lakh, depending on the type of chargers installed. Standard expenses include the cost of a new electrical connection, civil work, technicians and workers, maintenance, advertising, marketing, EVSE management software and integration, and site contract.
There are two types of EV chargers based on the type of current. The AC charges are comparatively slow chargers and DC has a range of fast charging capabilities. Further, these chargers are categorized by the protocol they use like the CCS, CHAdeMO, and GB /T. Where CCS comes from a European background, the CHAdeMO comes from Japan while GB/T is a Chinese protocol. The use of any of this technology in the charging system depends upon the market demand. In India, most EVs are on the CCS protocol.
fast chargers for any EV and are usually positioned along major roads throughout the country. The devices deliver high-power direct current (DC) to quickly recharge an EV. Fast chargers can be used with vehicles that have high battery capacity that is capable of rapid charging.

Hence two and three vehicles do not have the provision of fast charging. This machine capacity generally ranges from 15 kW to 150 kW. However, fast charging also depends upon the capacity of the EV to take charge.
The AC chargers provide slow charging for the EVs. These slow chargers require less power and hence can be installed at any domestic complex easily. However, they require an average time of 6-14 hours. They are cheaper and easy to handle. Mostly two and three-wheeler EVs use these types of chargers
Requirements for setting up a charging station.

The EV charging business is with low capital and the operational cost of the charging stations will be low, at the same time there is no manpower required for any charging stations.
State governments have even announced the mandatory installation of charging stations in commercial and residential complexes, as well as a particular percentage reserved for electric vehicles in such complexes, to pave the way for the adoption of the EV ecosystem. Here’s everything you need to know before launching an EV charging station in your town.

Public Sector Oil Companies to set up 900 charging stations in TN.

The location of a charging business is critical. Area requirement depends upon the feasibility of the site, the number of charging piles, the type of EVs to be charged, and other activities at the site. The charging equipment as such doesn’t require more than 10 sqft of space however more importantly it’s the space for vehicle parking and circulation. The minimum area would be as low as 100 sq ft.
Most of the good charging infra-OEMs provide a complete solution (equipment + software + mobile app) hence a good setup of the charging stations is unmanned. From the payment collection to bill generation, everything is done online. Hence except for the physical security of the machine no manpower is required at the site.

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