March 26, 2025

  • Daily Motion
About Us

We see our air is polluted everywhere and almost 91 percent people breathe unsafe air. India ranks at 3rd position in terms of causing air pollution and 7 of the world’s 10 most polluted cities are in India.

As India is witnessing rapid urbanization which leads to increase the need of transportation for the daily commutes. India with such a huge amount of population uses millions of private and public vehicles causing vehicular pollution everywhere. The vehicles use fossil fuels which emits a lots of carbon dioxide and other such dangerous gases in their air which is not only affecting the environment but also to the human health.

We need to think about our environment (earth) after all we live in it. We sincerely believe electric vehicles are the need of the hour to save the environment and to breathe a clean and fresh air. By using electric vehicles, we get zero emissions, quiet, cost effective, low maintenance and most importantly Eco-friendly riding experiences. has been born in 2017 with the sole objective of spreading awareness about electric vehicles all over the world.  Our Slogan is “Go Green! Go Electric!”.

We are publishing electric vehicles related latest news, reviews, new launches, expert interviews, press releases, summits and conferences, events updates and start-up stories. is the one stop knowledge portal for EV enthusiasts, dealers, manufacturers and shareholders, etc. About Us


  • We do research and bring you the best information you are looking for (researched articles, in-depth analysis)
  • We serve you with the monthly sales report from all over India (State-wise, Category-wise sales reports)
  • We make your weekends exciting by bringing you the start-up story every weekend. (EV start-up of the week)
  • We bring you the monthly poll (EV month poll-opinion)
  • We keep you updated with the new electric vehicles launches and reviews
  • We alert you for the upcoming EVs events, conferences, summits and Expo.
  • We publish all kinds of electric vehicles categories news, reviews, launches, etc.


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