The E-BROH SPUMA Li is a “Vintage” style electric scooter with an exceptionally balanced electrical framework. The primary goal of the designers is to furnish the bike with a handy and stable arrangement of electric energize, which would essentially incorporate a removable battery.
The E-Broh Spuma Li is an electric versatility choice extremely effective because of the reality that was born from the Zaragoza organization.
The E-BROH SPUMA Li Review
Super quick charge time
This electric scooter got exactly what you want, Spuma Li has a removable battery with which it can carry maximum loads. The weight of the battery is 4kg, you can carry it easily and recharge it in 3 hours, if it exhausted totally the recharge time is around 6 hours.
Range up to 60 KM
The electric engine efficient management system and with a controller dedicated to 45 A. Spuma Li can give a maximum range of 56-60 km on a single charge. It has three power modes, which allows extended hours of use.
60V Brushless Electric Motor
Brushless electric motor, reduces maintenance and integrates with the rear train. It operates at 60V. and offers a power of 3,000 W.
European Design and Quality
Spuma Li designed after a long research on technology, the company offering 2 years warranty and a complete assistance service, spare parts, and accessories.
Ther price of E-Broch is 2,199 euros. It is available in White, black, red and navy blue colors.